This will be our second summer cultivating the gardens right outside the Center’s front door!  In a combination of window boxes and parking lot islands, here at the Center we are growing Calendula, Lavender, Mint, Thyme, Basil, Lady’s Mantle, and a handful of other herbs known for their culinary or medicinal uses.

The harvesting season has begun, and in a few weeks we’ll have enough ingredients to make salves, teas, and more with our herbs!  We plan to sell our hand-made, all-natural products right here out of the Center, as well as at the Lewiston Farmer’s Market and perhaps a few other venues in August and into the fall.  Keep a look out for them!

Come join us at the Center Friday mornings 10am-12pm if you are interested in helping with the gardening or product-making!  If you have questions, contact intern Ali Rabideau at