Klara Tammany
In 2006 Klara returned to Maine and after a winter stint answering phones at LL Bean, she landed at Advocates for Children as a parent educator. There she learned a lot about the social service system! All the while she volunteered at what was then called “Wisdom’s Center.” When the Daughters of Wisdom determined that they could no longer maintain the work, Klara gathered a group to raise funds to keep it going. Eight years later, it remains her passion.
To further her non-profit leadership skills, in 2011 Klara participated in the Leadership Development Institute of the Maine Association of Non-Profits. She is an active member of Trinity Church which is located in the same neighborhood and which served as the fiscal sponsor of the Center. She dabbles in photography and lives in Auburn with Oliver, a 16 lb Maine coon cat and a smaller mini- poodle, Sophie. As a puppy mill rescue, Sophie has become quite a mascot of The Center.