Today’s the Start of Fall; 9/22/2014

The leaves are already turning pretty colors.  Getting ready to cut back my flowers and pull leaves out of the garden & put manure around the plants for winter.  Put in  a few perennials & bulbs in spring, summer, & fall colors.  The vegetable garden is...


This is a new experimental project at the Center. Over the summer we tested what we call “The Peasant Pantry Café.” Many countries have a one dish sustenance meal that is affordable and healthy. Each “Peasant Pantry” meal will come from a different country and...


“Can GOD be SHE?” Offered twice annually and now in its third year, these Wise and Strong Women evenings are designed to give voice to the often silent story of women. They have evolved into a magical community experience that inspires all who come. Join...


QIUET DAYS Held on Saturdays nearest the Equinox and Solstice from 10:00-2:00! The day begins with a spoken meditation, and ends with shared reflections. A reading is offered during lunch. Otherwise the day is in silence. A simple meal is provided for those who sign...

Writer’s Workshop – Making Things

Quilting is fun but there is a lot of work.  Hats I made by hand and they are real pretty; one yellow with some flowers on it and one with a blue button on it and a bow.  I made dolls and paintings.  And I made cards on paper and I made jewelry: rings and earrings,...

Writers Workshop 8/25/2014

We live in Turner, out in the puckabrush.  Around 4:30-7:00 the deer come out.  We use binoculars and watch the deer kick up their heels.  It is so much enjoyment.  Our dog lays down and watches them too.  She never bothers them. We sit on the bench, smell the phlox...